31 March 2009

Go Deeper

In a poetic yet disturbing and seductive way, Japanese photographer Izima Kaoru creates scenes of sophisticated violence and enchanting horror.

"Landscapes with a Corpse" is the title of his project, where he invited actresses and models to reveal their fantasies about perfect death.



You are the best parts of all the songs I love

Yes. You.

I Wrote This For You

You would think it would be easy for them to mark with red the cigarette that killed you so you wouldn't smoke it..
the drink that does you in, with a label cautioning you not to..
the kiss that ends the world with flashing lights that spell out the words


more than words

There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.
They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
They are messengers of overwhelming grief...  and unspeakable love.

-Washington Irving-

le Killer Pins


the lost can get lost together

to find you
and love you for all that you are.
thats the reason i was sent to Earth.

17 March 2009

If i never had to leave this place, i wouldnt..

I've always been one to run to my dreams and hope that life's little problems would be solved through some adventure created out of the depths of my mind in an alternate universe..
.. but i have to get up 

Sugary Sweet - W Magazine

The uncanny resmblance to Leeloo (Millla Jovovich in The Fifth Element) in this recent shoot by photographer Craig McDean, is updated only by the location and candy infused colours.

I have to say, there really is something about dressing like a doll that gets the imagination going.   I do believe my next purchase will be a pair of the pink latex thigh high stockings and pink weave to match..  mmm


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